Test Informed Learning with Examples


Repository with assignments using the Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE) method to integrate testing into existing programming courses for free.


Gross / net salary calculator

Implement a program that calculates the gross and net salary of an employee. The program will request as data: the number of hours worked (nh), the price of the hour (ph) and the applicable withholding as a percentage (w). The gross (GS) and net (NS) salary is calculated as:

  1. \[GS = nh * ph\]
  2. \[NS = GS - (w/100*GS)\]
>>> %Run 
    Enter the number of hours worked: 56
    Enter the price of the hour: 10
    Enter the applicable withholding in %: 25
    The gross salary is: 560.0
    The net salary is: 420.0

To test your program you can try with the following test cases:

test case ID inputs     expected output  
  \(nh\) \(ph\) \(w\) gross salary net salary
1 56 hours 10 euros/hour 25% 560 euros 420 euros
2 2.5 hours 20.4 euros/hour 25.6% 51.0 euros 37.944 euros
3 1 hour 25 euros/hour 0.1% 25.0 euros 24.975 euros
4 125 hours 20 euros/hour 0% 2500.0 euros 2500.00 euros
Add a table with test cases. Also added cases for values that are
less obvious like 2.5 hours and 0.1%. So they test again their
assumptions of the types of the variables.