Repository with assignments using the Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE) method to integrate testing into existing programming courses for free.
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Use the following BibTeX entry to cite this work:
@INPROCEEDINGS{DVMB2023, author={Doorn, Niels and Vos, Tanja and MarĂn, Beatriz and Barendsen, Erik}, booktitle={2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)}, title={Set the right example when teaching programming: Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE)}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={269-280}, doi={10.1109/ICST57152.2023.00033} }
Mad Libs is a phrase template word game where a player asks others for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story, often comical or nonsensical, and which will be read aloud later. We are going to make a little Mad Libs.
Look at the following example:
We need to ask the player for the following words in English:
verb, for example: write
plural noun, for example: problems
adjective, for example: fun
So for these examples, our program returns:
Whether you write computer programs to solve problems or just for fun, it is very important that you ALWAYS TEST your code for bugs.
Try other inputs and try to come up with a funny phrase.
This TILE contains the message that testing is important.