Repository with assignments using the Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE) method to integrate testing into existing programming courses for free.
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We want to format a shopping list for a party with the following products: beer, wine and chips. You have to ask the user for the prices of the 3 products (we assume that they are always \(< 10\) euros), and the quantities they want to buy (we assume that they are always \(<100\) units). The program must return the purchase itemized as follows:
>>> %Run
Beer price? 9.99
Wine price? 1.05
Chips price? 4
How much beer? 99
How much wine? 23
How many bags of chips? 1
Total purchase
Beer 99 989.01
Wine 23 24.15
Chips 01 4.00
Total 1017.16
You have to do 2 different implementations of your program. One
using the String module operator % to format, and another with the
. Test your program with different prices (\(<10\)
euros) and quantities (\(<100\) units) to test that the layout is
always aligned.
```testruntile We added one sentence explicitly asking the students to test with some values and check the output.