Test Informed Learning with Examples


Repository with assignments using the Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE) method to integrate testing into existing programming courses for free.


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  author={Doorn, Niels and Vos, Tanja and Marín, Beatriz and Barendsen, Erik},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)}, 
  title={Set the right example when teaching programming: Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE)}, 

Triangle classification

Implement a program that reads three integer numbers: a, b and c. The program must indicate whether the numbers can represent the sides of a triangle. For this, each value must be less than the sum of the other two. If so, the program must indicate if it is a:

This triangle challenge is well known. It was proposed by Jerry Weinberg1, a famous computer scientist, and described by Glenford Myers, who wrote the first book on software testing, the classic The Art of Software Testing2.

Test your program with the set of test cases proposed below:

test case ID inputs     expected output
  a b c  
1 1 50 50 Isosceles
2 2 50 50 Isosceles
3 99 50 50 Isosceles
4 100 50 50 Not a Traingle
5 50 50 50 Equilateral
6 50 1 50 Isosceles
7 50 2 50 Isosceles
8 50 99 50 Isosceles
9 50 100 50 Not a Triangle
10 50 50 1 Isosceles
11 50 50 2 Isosceles
12 50 50 99 Isosceles
13 50 50 100 Not a Triangle
Insist that the students test their programs by giving them test
cases. Also include a bit of anecdotal history on the triangle
program and first book on software testing.