Test Informed Learning with Examples


Repository with assignments using the Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE) method to integrate testing into existing programming courses for free.


Age statistics

Write a program that reads the age (an integer) of a set of people. Data entry will end when a negative value is entered. Your program has to calculate and display on the screen:

>>> %Run 
    Enter an age:50
    Enter an age:18
    Enter an age:0
    Enter an age:-2
    Average: 22.666666666666668
    Maximum age: 50
    Minimum age: 0
    People of working age: 2
>>> %Run 
    Enter an age:12
    Enter an age:16
    Enter an age:90
    Enter an age:65
    Enter an age:18
    Enter an age:17
    Enter an age:19
    Enter an age:66
    Enter an age:64
    Enter an age:-5
    Average: 40.77777777777778
    Maximum age: 90
    Minimum age: 12
    People of working age: 4
Insist that the students test their programs by giving them example
test executions.