Test Informed Learning with Examples


Repository with assignments using the Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE) method to integrate testing into existing programming courses for free.


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  author={Doorn, Niels and Vos, Tanja and Marín, Beatriz and Barendsen, Erik},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)}, 
  title={Set the right example when teaching programming: Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE)}, 

Creating files with a random number of random numbers

Write a Python program that allows you to generate a certain number of files with a random number (between 1 and 10) of random real numbers (between 1.00 and 200.00). The numbers must be aligned to the right and with 2 decimal places. You can import random and use randint to randomly generate integers, and uniform to randomly generate real numbers.

Your program:

For example:

>>> %Run 
    How many files?: 4
    What is the base name?: file

It can generate for example:

file1 file2 file3 file4
133.25 29.92 50.08 6.64
159.93 199.44 59.34 136.33
162.02 158.01 109.88 32.02
23.26 153.48 56.16
147.50   195.16 97.67
  51.95 160.56