Test Informed Learning with Examples


Repository with assignments using the Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE) method to integrate testing into existing programming courses for free.


Interest calculator

Implement a program that calculates the interest produced from a total accumulated capital of an amount c, invested at an interest r (as a percentage) during t days. The formula used to calculate interest is:

\[I=\frac{c \times r \times t}{360 \times 100}\]

To test your program you can try with the following test cases:

test case ID inputs     expected output
\(c\) \(r\) \(t\)    
1 10000 5.5% 360 550 euros
2 25000 60% 45 1875 euros
3 0 50% 200 0.0
4 -2000 45% 2 -5.0
5 12.345 56.78% 900 17.0
Instead of sample executions for them to check, we add a table with
test cases. This teaches them what test cases are made up of:

-   identifier

-   inputs

-   expected outputs