Test Informed Learning with Examples


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Intersecting two sets

Write a tuple_inter function that receives two sets. The function must return a tuple that contains the intersection of the two sets and the result of erasing the intersection in the first set.

For example you can test your function with:

>>> firstSet  = {23, 42, 65, 57, 78, 83, 29}
>>> secondSet = {57, 83, 29, 67, 73, 43, 48}

>>> tuple_inter(firstSet, secondSet)
    ({57, 83, 29}, {65, 42, 78, 23})
>>> tuple_inter(firstSet, firstSet)
    ({65, 83, 23, 57, 42, 29, 78}, set())
>>> tuple_inter(set(), set())
    (set(), set())