Repository with assignments using the Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE) method to integrate testing into existing programming courses for free.
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@INPROCEEDINGS{DVMB2023, author={Doorn, Niels and Vos, Tanja and Marín, Beatriz and Barendsen, Erik}, booktitle={2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)}, title={Set the right example when teaching programming: Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE)}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={269-280}, doi={10.1109/ICST57152.2023.00033} }
By Niels Doorn.
Hashing is a mathematical algorithm that maps data of arbitrary size (often called the “message”) to a bit array of a fixed size (the “hash value”, “hash”, or “message digest”). It is a one-way function, that is, a function which is practically infeasible to invert. It is often used to store passwords, for example of users of a website.
Hashes are often subject to attacks to gain access to computer systems. Attackers often use sets of calculated hashes known as rainbow tables. These tables contain hashes of common used passwords such as dictionary words or often used password such as “Welcome123”, “qwertyuiop” and “123456” (the most often used password in 2020). Using pre-calculated hashes is much more effective then brute-force attacks. To improve security of hashes, salting can be used. A a large random value is added to the password before calculating the hash. This value is called the salt. This makes hashes much more difficult to crack using rainbow table attacks since an attacker would have to generate rainbow tables for every given salt. The salt can be stored in plain text along with the hashed value 1.
One of the algorithms used to create hashes is Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5). For this algorithm, cases are known where multiple inputs where found for a single output. These are called hash-collisions. Because of this, MD5 is considered to be an unsafe choice for hashing sensitive data like passwords. There are many more hashing algorithms which are safer, but many of them have (other) security problems as well.
General computer science learning goals:
Testing domain learning goals:
Programming learning goals:
Let’s Look at this assignment from a didactic perspective. What are the obstacles students might encounter before they can confidently start with this assignment.
The website of “Notsuchasafebank”, a large global financial institute, has a registration function for users. Users are required to choose a secure password and use their e-mail address as the user name. The website system uses an MD5 algorithm to hash the passwords, together with a salt as additional data to improve security.
However, the systems seems to be defective. Every now and then, the salt is not applied to the password, making the system unsafe. One of the lead dev-ops engineers at Notsuchasafebank, Marike, managed to produce a file with the passwords, salts and hashes for you to debug this problem.
The file contains example values separated by semicolons, the first line contains the value types. Here is an example of a few lines of the data of the file in a table:
Password | Salt | Hash |
FiremanshipNoisyStirrup-shaped | Etiologic | d252f331a8924d54e1c352f88decccb4 |
QuizzeryNonemotionallyPediments | Tenpins | 83abc62b14f585636f547717c076b209 |
UnguentariumZinciteStirrup-shaped | Unguentarium | 27fed6fa4ae5c4ebc47468d51fc95f93 |
HeardCuratoriallyRyegrasses | Dismayed | 5961aa9c671f1d7d58d2f90ecfd143b8 |
DraftsmenDecemberistImmoderate | Agentive | f94f1e45f8ccc708741d42aee4c10c1c |
NontheatricalWood-culverCavilling | Fusilladed | 33609348393312bb584368cb60e3a5df |
QuizzeryBelligerencyUnchangingness | Cacophony | f4da2cc176a354e599f5abe2f3ff7f05 |
OxbowsAllurementsField-kirk | Veray | 64c934dd49db61abbc47a23a30d5011d |
The data of the file is structured as follows:
Marike asked you to write a program to analyse this data and to determine how many passwords where not properly salted and hashed.
The last line of the file contains the correct answer which you can use to verify your solution. Use to verify if your answer is correct.
The file , which is listed below, is a possible solution using to verify the answer with the answer from the password file. It can be used to automate the process of checking the students answers or be discussed with the students afterwards.
import hashlib
def testPasswordFile():
# open the file for reading
f = open("hashes.txt", "r")
# read all lines except the first line, which contains the header, into a list of lines
lines = f.readlines()[1:]
# store the last line with the verification answer in a variable
lastline = lines[len(lines)-1]
# remove the last line, which contains the verification answer, from the list of lines
lines = lines[:-1]
# keep a record of all correctly hashed passwords
hashedAndSalted = 0
# process all lines with passwords, salts and hashes
for line in lines:
# seperate the fields for each line
fields = line.split(';')
password = fields[0]
salt = fields[1]
hash = fields[2].strip()
# check if the salt was used to calculate the hash
hashWithSalt = hashlib.md5((password+salt).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
if (hash == hashWithSalt):
hashedAndSalted += 1
verification = int(lastline.split()[-1])
# test if the answer matches the verification of the file
assert hashedAndSalted == verification
This file can be run using :
% pytest -q
. [100%]
1 passed in 0.01s
This assignment can easily be used to create individual versions by using the generator below.
For the lecturer to generate password files the following code can be used:
import hashlib
import random
from random_word import RandomWords
f = open("hashes.txt", "w")
rw = RandomWords()
listOfRandomWords = rw.get_random_words(limit=400)
hashedAndSalted = 0
for i in range(100):
password = ''
for j in range(0, 3):
password += listOfRandomWords[random.randint(0, len(listOfRandomWords) - 1)].capitalize()
salt = listOfRandomWords[random.randint(0, len(listOfRandomWords) - 1)].capitalize()
r = random.randint(0, 100)
if r % 5 != 0:
# hash and salt
hashedAndSalted += 1
hashValue = password + salt;
# oops, forgot to salt
hashValue = password
hash = hashlib.md5(hashValue.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
f.write("Number of passwords that were hashed and salted: "+str(hashedAndSalted))
A generated password file looks like this:
Number of passwords that were hashed and salted: 78
By creating unique versions of the password file for each student, copy-pasting code from other students is (a bit) discouraged. It is possible to discourage this even more by using different hashing algorithms as well such as .
In this assignment, students have to count the occurrences of defective hashes. The defective hashes are created randomly. We could make is more interesting to truly introduce a defect in the code, for example, all passwords longer then 20 characters are not salted. Or, all passwords containing the letter Q are not salted. The students could then try to find such patterns and discover the defect of the salting algorithm of the website. To do so, they could separate the defective entries and the correct entries and look for patterns.
Summary | Understanding hashing techniques |
TILE aspects | What are the TILE aspects in this assignment. |
Topics | Hashing. |
Technology used | Python. |
Audience | CS1/CS2 |
Programming learning goals | Using random data, comma-separated values, strings and white space, using external libraries for hashing. |
Testing learning goals | Testing for security, intermittent problems. |
Prerequisites | Variables, conditional statements, loops. |
Variants | This assignment can be adapted to use different algoritms, other (complicated) defects and more. |
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