Repository with assignments using the Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE) method to integrate testing into existing programming courses for free.
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Use the following BibTeX entry to cite this work:
@INPROCEEDINGS{DVMB2023, author={Doorn, Niels and Vos, Tanja and Marín, Beatriz and Barendsen, Erik}, booktitle={2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)}, title={Set the right example when teaching programming: Test Informed Learning with Examples (TILE)}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={269-280}, doi={10.1109/ICST57152.2023.00033} }
#file generate_test_report_all
import json
import xlwt
from xlwt import Workbook
from lark import Lark
from lark import Transformer
def get_failed_testcases(filename):
Expects filename to be a file that contains the output of a !pytest run.
Returns the list of testcases that have failed.
Throws FileNotFoundError exception if file does not exist.
#1.Open the file and name the file-handle fhand
fhand = open(filename, 'r')
#2.Copy the content of the file in variable content
content =
#3: Close the file
#Look for the failed test cases
if not ("= FAILURES" in content):
return [] #There are no failed test cases
# Find the testcases that have failed, they
# start with "testcase = " in the file
lss_lines = content.splitlines()
testcases = []
for l in lss_lines:
if "testcase =" in l:
return testcases
def get_test_signature(filename):
Given a Python file containing "@pytest.mark.parametrize", it returns a list that
represents the signature of the test. If there are no pytests in the file, it returns
the empty list
Throws FileNotFoundError exception if file does not exist.
#1: Open the file and name the file-handle fhand
python_file = open(filename, "r")
#2: Read through the file to find the line that indicates that
# the test cases start (i.e. @pytest.mark.parametrize)
line = python_file.readline()
while not (line.startswith("@pytest.mark.parametrize") or line==''):
line = python_file.readline()
#3: Close the file
#line now is the "@pytest.mark.parametrize" line
#Now, we need to know what the structure of the test cases is,
#i.e. how many inputs. So we first filter the characters that we do not need.
filter_out = [',', "@pytest.mark.parametrize", "(", ")", "[", '"']
for f in filter_out:
line = line.replace(f, "")
#Then we split, such that we get a list like
#['testcase', input1, ..., inputn, output]
test_signature = line.split()
return test_signature
# Below is the grammar describing test cases.
# test case lines look like: '(num, i1, i2,...,in o), #any type of comments'
# - starts with (
# - ends with ),
# - the first argument is a number, the ID of the test case
# - after the end test case ), commenst starting with #can be discarded
# - different parts of the test case are separated by ", "
# - i1, i2, ..., in and o can be of any Python type (int, float, bool, strings, lists, tuples, variables, sets)
# - the exercise explicity indicate that we assume there are no operators (unary, binary operators), variable names, dictionaries, function calls
testcase_parser = Lark(r"""
testcase : "(" DEC_NUMBER "," value ("," value)* ")" [","] [SH_COMMENT]
value: list
| tuple
| emptyset
| set
| string
| number
| "True" -> true
| "False" -> false
| "None" -> none
list : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]"
tuple: "(" [value ("," value)*] ")"
set : "{" value ("," value)* "}"
emptyset: "set()"
string: /[ubf]?r?("(?!"").*?(?<!\\)(\\\\)*?"|'(?!'').*?(?<!\\)(\\\\)*?')/i
DEC_NUMBER: /0|[1-9][\d_]*/i
FLOAT_NUMBER: /((\d+\.[\d_]*|\.[\d_]+)([Ee][-+]?\d+)?|\d+([Ee][-+]?\d+))/
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING
%import common.SH_COMMENT
%import common.CNAME
%import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
%import common.WS
%ignore WS
""", start='testcase')
# Evaluate the tree, using a Transformer.
# A transformer is a class with methods corresponding to branch names.
# For each branch, the appropriate method will be called with the children
# of the branch as its argument, and its return value will replace the branch
# in the tree. We want to transform the parse tree into a tuple containing the
# test case values.
class MyTransformer(Transformer):
def testcase(self, items):
*vs, c = items
if c==None: #it means it is a comment (see SH_COMMENT), so we can discard
return tuple(vs)
return tuple(items)
def SH_COMMENT(self,n):
return None
def value(self, items):
[res] = items
return res
def pair(self, key_value):
k, v = key_value
return k, v
def string(self, s):
(s,) = s
return s[1:-1]
def number (self, n):
(n,) = n
return n
def FLOAT_NUMBER (self, n):
return float(n)
def DEC_NUMBER(self, n):
return int(n)
def emptyset(self, items):
return set()
def set(self, items):
res = set()
for i in items:
return res
list = list
tuple = tuple
dict = dict
none = lambda self, _: None
true = lambda self, _: True
false = lambda self, _: False
def get_test_cases(filename):
This function returns a list of the test cases that are defined in the
file with "@pytest.mark.parametrize". If it is not a pytest file it returns
the empty list
Throws FileNotFoundError exception if file does not exist.
#1: Open the file
python_file = open(filename, "r")
#2: Read the file until you encounter the line where the testcases
# start (that is @pytest.mark.parametrize)
line = python_file.readline()
while not (line.startswith("@pytest.mark.parametrize") or line==''):
line = python_file.readline()
#read one more line, to point line to the first test case
line = python_file.readline()
test_cases = []
while (line.startswith("(")): #each test case starts with "("
#parse the line
tc_tree = testcase_parser.parse(line)
#reduce the parse tree to a tc tuple like (num, i1, i2,...,in o)
tc = MyTransformer().transform(tc_tree)
#add the testcase to the list of test cases
line = python_file.readline() #go to next line in file
return test_cases
#3: Close the file
def fill_excell_headers(test_signature, wb):
# This function fills the headers of a test report with number_of_inputs input values
#We know the structure we need to create for the excell file from the test_signature
number_of_inputs = len(test_signature)-2
# add_sheet is used to create sheet for Test Report
sheet = wb.add_sheet('Test Report')
# add test case ID colum at 0,0
sheet.write(0, 0, 'test case ID')
# add input columns for each test case input
for i in range (1, number_of_inputs+1):
sheet.write(0, i, 'input'+str(i))
# add input columns for the expected outcome and the result
sheet.write(0, number_of_inputs+1 , 'expected outcome')
sheet.write(0, number_of_inputs+2 , 'result')
return sheet
def generate_excell_test_report(filenameTest, filenameTestRes):
""" filenameTest es el nombre de fichero .py de testing y
filenameTestRes es el nombre de fichero .txt con test results
test_signature = get_test_signature(filenameTest)
if (test_signature == []):
print("This is not a pytest file")
test_cases = get_test_cases(filenameTest)
failed_test_cases = get_failed_testcases(filenameTestRes)
failed_test_cases_numbers = []
for f in failed_test_cases:
# Workbook is created
wb = Workbook()
#fill with headers for the columns
sheet = fill_excell_headers(test_signature, wb)
#write ID, inputs y output in excell
for i in range(len(test_cases)):
for j in range(len(test_cases[i])):
sheet.write(i+1, j , str(test_cases[i][j]))
if test_cases[i][0] in failed_test_cases_numbers:
sheet.write(i+1, len(test_cases[i]) , "FAILED")
sheet.write(i+1, len(test_cases[i]) , "PASSED")
report_name = filenameTest.replace(".py", "")
# Save the Workbook + 'TestReport.xls')
except FileNotFoundError:
print("El fichero no existe" + filenameTest + " o " + filenameTestRes)
def generate_JSON_test_report(filenameTest, filenameTestRes):
""" filenameTest es el nombre de fichero .py de testing y
filenameTestRes es el nombre de fichero .txt con test results
test_signature = get_test_signature(filenameTest)
if (test_signature == []):
print("This is not a pytest file")
test_cases = get_test_cases(filenameTest)
failed_test_cases = get_failed_testcases(filenameTestRes)
failed_test_cases_numbers = []
for f in failed_test_cases:
test_cases_dicts = []
for tc in test_cases:
tc_dict = {"id":tc[0]}
out = tc[-1]
tc_inputs = tc[1:len(tc)-1]
inputs = []
for t in tc:
tc_dict["output esperado"]=out
if tc[0] in failed_test_cases_numbers:
tc_dict["resultado"]= "FAILED"
tc_dict["resultado"]= "PASSED"
report_name = filenameTest.replace(".py", "")
fhand_write = open(report_name + "test_case_report.json", "w")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("El fichero no existe" + filenameTest)
def main():
#test the report generatiom
#you need to check the output manualy as follows:
# 1) see if the files were generated in the directory
# 2) check the data in the files corresponds to the testcases in the .py file,
# and the outputs in the .txt file
file1_test = "pytests-for_testing_reports/"
file1_testres = "pytests-for_testing_reports/output_union_test.txt"
file2_test = "pytests-for_testing_reports/"
file2_testres = "pytests-for_testing_reports/output_min_max_list_test.txt"
file3_test = "pytests-for_testing_reports/"
file3_testres = "pytests-for_testing_reports/output_interseccion_test.txt"
file4_test = "pytests-for_testing_reports/"
file4_testres = "pytests-for_testing_reports/output_filtrar_impares_test.txt"
generate_excell_test_report(file1_test, file1_testres)
generate_JSON_test_report(file1_test, file1_testres)
generate_excell_test_report(file2_test, file2_testres)
generate_JSON_test_report(file2_test, file2_testres)
generate_excell_test_report(file3_test, file3_testres)
generate_JSON_test_report(file3_test, file3_testres)
generate_excell_test_report(file4_test, file4_testres)
generate_JSON_test_report(file4_test, file4_testres)